SENSE Theatre Featured on NPT’s Arts Break!
SENSE Theatre was recently featured on Nashville Public Television’s ‘Arts Break.’ To watch the story via YouTube go to this link.
SENSE Theatre was recently featured on Nashville Public Television’s ‘Arts Break.’ To watch the story via YouTube go to this link.
A review of findings from a recent publication in Autism Research will be featured in the July 2021 edition of Autism Advocate Parenting Magazine. The article, titled “Girls with Autism Start Puberty Before Their Peers,” includes an overview of the research, significant findings, and implications, as well as paths for next steps. Read more…
Study findings from the “Examining Stress and Arousal Across Pubertal Development” project were recently featured in a story from Discover VUMC, which reports on recent medical science and patient care breakthroughs at Vanderbilt University Medical Center. The article highlighted several recent SENSE Lab publications, including those describing elevated BMI in Read more…
On Friday, April 28th, Dr. Corbett will be a part of the episode “Autism, Education, and Performing Arts: Where Have We Been and Where are We Going.” She will be featured as part of the 2021 Open Diversity Festival with Saddleback College and hosted by the Fine Arts and Media Read more…
The SENSE Lab’s ongoing longitudinal study, “Examining Pubertal Development in Youth with and without Autism Spectrum Disorder,” has received a lot of positive press lately! Multiple outlets, including the Vanderbilt University Medical Center (VUMC) Reporter and Spectrum News have featured a recent publication from the lab, published in Autism Research, Read more…
Dr. Blythe Corbett was recently featured in an interview with Spectrum Autism Research News to discuss a newly published study from the SENSE Lab on early pubertal timing in females with autism. According to the study, females with autism start puberty around 9.5 months earlier than females without autism. Dr. Read more…
A recent article in the VUMC Reporter announced a generous gift from ACM Lifting Lives to VUMC to establish the ACM Lifting Lives Autism Lab at the Vanderbilt Kennedy Center. Among the programs supported by this new initiative includes Dr. Blythe Corbett’s SENSE Theatre®. With this support, more families will Read more…
On Saturday, September 14, the SENSE Lab had the opportunity to collaborate with American Airlines on their “It’s Cool to Fly American” event for individuals with disabilities and their families. The event was held at Nashville International Airport (BNA). Everyone agreed that it was a fun and meaningful experience for Read more…
SENSE Lab Director, Dr. Blythe Corbett, was recently interviewed for a featured article in the VUMC Reporter, highlighting the SENSE Lab’s NIMH-funded “Teen Development in Youth with and without Autism”. To read the article and hear from Dr. Corbett on the importance of studying adolescence and pubertal development, click here! Read more…
The SENSE Theatre® intervention program was recently featured in an article for Vanderbilt University Medical Center’s new digital publishing platform, Discover. Click here for a link to the article. Research to support the theatre-based intervention is discussed, with quotes and discussion from SENSE Theatre® founder and SENSE Lab director, Dr. Read more…