Enhancing Social Competence in Adults with Autism

The SENSE Lab is studying the effects of an intervention developed to enhance social competence in adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).

Participants will be randomly assigned to one of the following groups:

  • SENSE Theatre® is a performance-based intervention targeting social skills that includes trained peer actors and theatre techniques.
  • Waitlist Control group participants will participate in the intervention after the initial experimental group.

There is no cost for participating in the intervention.

Participating involves research visits before and after the treatment.

  • Psychological testing (2 hours)
  • Social Interaction (10 minutes)
  • Research EEG (1 hour)
  • Intervention takes place over 10 sessions on Saturdays or weekday late afternoons.
  • Participation in research is necessary to receive the treatment

The SENSE Lab works in collaboration with the Vanderbilt Kennedy Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities and the Vanderbilt University Department of Theatre.

Participant Criteria:
Adults ages 18-40 years with ASD or suspected/possible ASD

Contact Us:

  • senselab@vumc.org
  • (615) 513-9562

For more information: Download our study flier