How Children Play
Social play is important for children with autism spectrum disorders. We invite 7-14 year old boys and girls with autism or typical development to be part of our research about how children play together!
Participation involves 3-5 visits to Vanderbilt University:
- Psychological Testing (1-2 hours), get $20
- Social Interaction or play! (1 hour), get $20
- ** Research MRI (2 hours), get gift cards for your child**
- **Hormone administration with blood draws (2 hours)**
** We are not currently colllecting these data.
A great way to learn about science and help other kids!
Participant Criteria
7-14 year old boys and girls with autism disorder or typical development. Children need some verbal ability to be able to participate in the study.
$20 per visit
Visit Requirements
2-5 visits
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