“Theatre may enhance autistic children’s social competence, Dr. Corbett tells CNA”

From the Cyprus News Agency: Performing arts, like theatre and music, may provide an enriched, supportive and inclusive education setting for children with Autistic Spectrum Disorders (ASD), Dr. Blythe A. Corbett, a Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences and Psychology at Vanderbilt University Medical Center in Nashville, Tennessee, told the Cyprus News Agency. Dr. Corbett is visiting Cyprus on September 10-12, as part of a collaboration between the Ministry of Education, Sports and Youth and Read more…

“Art and Science to Enhance Social Competence for Students with Autism”: January 24 Webinar

Please join us on January 24, 2024 at 3 PM ET (2 PM CT) for Dr. Corbett’s presentation of “Art and Science to Enhance Social Competence for Students with Autism.” The webinar is being presented as part of the Arts and Special Education Webinar series hosted by The John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts. Registration and attendance is $10 (free for members of the Access/VSA International Network) Registration Link: Click Here

Recent Updates from SENSE Theatre Featured by Vanderbilt Kennedy Center

The August 2023 issue of Vanderbilt Kennedy Center’s (VKC) monthly e-newsletter, Notables, includes a feature of the most-recent SENSE Theatre(R) production. To read the story and all the exciting new updates from SENSE Theatre, visit the VKC Notables website here. For more information on SENSE Theatre, you can visit sensetheatre.com or read our recently published manuscript on a large, multisite randomized clinical trial. *Corbett, B. A., White, S., Lerner, M., Preacher, K. J., Klemencic, M. E., Read more…

SENSE Lab Study Featured in VKC Notables

A recent paper, published in the journal Autism, from Drs. Schwartzman, Muscatello, and Corbett reporting on the utility of a commonly-used suicide-risk screener in autism spectrum disorder has been featured in the latest issue of the Vanderbilt Kennedy Center (VKC) Notables. The full story can be found at the VKC Notables web page (click here). If you are interested in learning more about the study, the article is freely available online (https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/13623613231162154?rfr_dat=cr_pub++0pubmed&url_ver=Z39.88-2003&rfr_id=ori%3Arid%3Acrossref.org). You may also contact us Read more…

Watch: Blending Art and Science: A Stage of Hope for Autism | Blythe Corbett | TEDxVanderbiltUniversity

Watch Dr. Blythe Corbett share her “idea worth spreading” for the 2023 TEDxVanderbilt University event. The recording of her talk is available at the link below, where you can watch Dr. Corbett share about the SENSE Theatre program and the transformative power of theatre in our lives through her TEDx presentation, “Blending Art and Science: A Stage of Hope for Autism.” View here: Blending Art and Science: A Stage of Hope for Autism

Downtown Bridge Illuminated Blue for Autism Awareness Month

In honor and celebration of the individuals with autism who have participated in our research and impacted us in meaningful ways, the SENSE Lab arranged for the Downtown Nashville Korean Veterans Memorial Bridge to be illuminated ‘Autism Blue‘ Saturday, April 29th.  Although April is over, autism awareness and acceptance doesn’t end with the month of April.  The SENSE Lab is committed to supporting and learning from the amazing autistic individuals with which we work.

TEDx Presentation with speaker Blythe Corbett, Ph.D. April 18th

We are excited to share that Vanderbilt Human Resources Employee Learning and Engagement team will host the 7th Annual TEDxVanderbiltUniversity event on April 18, 2023. Blythe Corbett, Ph.D., Professor of the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences and Psychology will be one of the six speakers from the Vanderbilt Community to step into the red circle to share their idea worth spreading! Where: This year’s event will take place in Ingram Hall at the Blair Read more…

SENSE Theatre Production “The Adult School” April 15 and 16

Performance Details: Dates: Friday, April 15, 2022 & Saturday, April 16, 2022 @ 7:00 PM CT (Doors open at 6:30 PM) Location: Wyatt Center Rotunda (1930 South Drive, Nashville, TN 37212) *FREE ADMISSION Audience Registration Link: https://redcap.link/TheAdultSchool_Apr_22 ———————————————————- Event Description: Adults with autism will take the stage with Dr. Blythe Corbett’s SENSE Theatre® program April 15th & 16th at 7pm CT in Vanderbilt’s stunning Wyatt Center Rotunda to perform The Adult School, a play about Read more…